
Legal Slides Creates Winning Trial Graphics and Presentation Support

Did you know the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text? When you are working to persuade a judge or jury to rule in your client’s favor, plain documents, complex witness testimony, and lengthy oral arguments aren’t enough. In today’s litigation climate an effective case presentation requires stunning visuals.

Competitive Edge

93% of all human communication is visual. This means that unless you have graphics, animations, or other visuals, the judge and jury are not getting all of the information you are presenting. When you use the studio quality graphics and animations that Legal Slides designs and creates you are giving your client a competitive edge.

In the age of tablets and smartphones trial graphics are more important than ever. By not having a strong visual component to your presentation, you could be jeopardizing your client’s case. More and more firms are already including trial graphics as a standard part of their case presentation.

Bring Your Case to Life

Trial graphics and animations can be used during any phase of the trial. Visuals can capture the attention of the jury during opening statements and closing arguments. They can help emphasize and summarize key points of evidence. Complex expert witness testimony can be made more tangible and accessible with the use of animations.

More and more firms are already including trial graphics as a standard part of their case presentation.

Legal Slides wants to make sure you and your team have access to the best tools to help bring clarity to the jury. You already know the power storytelling has in litigation. Imagine how much more powerful your narrative will be when accompanied by beautiful, state-of-the-art visuals.

The Legal Slides Difference

At Legal Slides we understand litigation. We work on creating visuals that not only look great, but that are easy to use in trial. We offer the best support in the industry, including on-site support, to make sure everything goes smoothly with your presentation.

Our teams of graphic artists, design consultants, and trial techs work with you to make sure your presentation turns out exactly the way you want it too. You have enough to do to get ready for trial. We take care of creating persuasive graphics that will be ready whenever you need them.

We understand that when it comes to litigation you are looking for every advantage you can get. Legal Slides is ready to be your secret weapon that will help you overwhelm the other side. When the jury goes back to deliberate after seeing our graphics, they will all be able to remember what your case was all about. It’s the next best thing to being in the jury room with them.

Experience the Legal Slides difference for yourself. Contact us today to see how we can help you at your next trial.
